
320 hydrogen vehicles nationwide equipped with Vision Hydrogen fuel cell system

Apr 19, 2022

Recently, a reporter from Yangtze River Daily interviewed the relevant person in charge of Vision Group and reported on the operation and maintenance of Vision hydrogen energy supporting hydrogen vehicles, the following is the content of the report.

As of March this year, 320 hydrogen vehicles in operation nationwide were equipped with Vision's hydrogen fuel cell system, driving over 12 million kilometres in three years and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by about 18 million kilograms, equivalent to planting more than 130,000 trees.

Li Wei, deputy general manager of Vision Hydrogen marketing department in central China, told the reporter that hydrogen fuel cells occupy an important position in achieving the "double carbon" target and are ushering in a period of high quality development, "In the past quarter, Vision Hydrogen reached 60 million orders, which is 50% of the annual production and sales target ahead of schedule.

Vision Hydrogen staff working on the engine assembly process
"Three years ago, the largest scale of 20 hydrogen energy buses in Wuhan was put into operation in the Economic Development Zone by Vision Group with a fuel cell engine system." Tang Tingjiang, R&D director of Vision Group, said, "In March this year, six more hydrogen buses were put into operation in the Economic Development Zone. Next month, the district will also put in five hydrogen sanitation vehicles."

At present, Vision Group has mastered a series of engine system products based on its own electric reactor, the system power covers 50kW-130kW, and is further developing 150kW-180kW power engine system, which is suitable for high-power heavy trucks and ships and other application scenarios, but also will be able to handle more complex road conditions. Carbon dioxide emission reductions will also be greatly increased. "The international development of super 100kW power fuel cells is a bottleneck." Tang Tingjiang said that three years ago, the company took the lead in developing the largest power 130kW hydrogen fuel cell engine in China at that time, with technical indicators reaching the top international level among similar products.

It is understood that in 2021 alone, Vision Group was successively evaluated as a demonstration enterprise of invisible champions in Hubei Province's pillar industry segments, included in the list of Hubei Province's science and technology innovation "new species" enterprises and named a "gazelle enterprise", and awarded as a specialized, special and new "Small Giant" enterprises and other honorary titles.

"At present, 70% of the company's parts suppliers come from the province, and we will strive to achieve 90% of the parts from Hubei by the end of the year." Tang Tingjiang said, this year will continue to increase cooperation with parts suppliers from Jingmen, Xiangyang and other cities around Wuhan, which will not only shorten the transportation time and reduce the cost of the enterprise, but also drive the circulation within the hydrogen energy industry chain in the province. "In the future, Vision Group will continue to empower the development of hydrogen energy industry with technology and help Wuhan build a national hydrogen energy demonstration city."