
Building a double barrier of "cost and technology" for fuel cell systems

Sep 20, 2022

After 4-5 years of product development and iteration, Vision hydrogen fuel cell team summarized the pain points faced in the development of fuel cell systems, including: the difficulty of matching the whole vehicle, the variability of car manufacturers' models, the passiveness of fuel cell manufacturers in terms of product parameters; the high cost of using fuel cell systems compared to fuel cars; the need to redefine the endurance evaluation method of the system, etc.

In response to the pain points and focusing on research and development, Vision hydrogen fuel cell team has set the direction for the current phase of research and development.

1: Make highly integrated, high power density systems.

2: System development goal: reduce hydrogen consumption.

3: Self-research and localisation of core components.

4: Based on commercial vehicle application scenarios, to create a highly durable and long-life system.

Next, let us reveal to you what Xiongtao Hydrogen has done and what results have been achieved?

Building a model for a comprehensive evaluation

We have built a complete set of mathematical models for the core components other than the electric reactor, a complete set of system evaluation methods, extracted the key parameters of the seven major components, and built a one-dimensional simulation platform at the same time.

Self-research, mastering independent intellectual property rights

In terms of the system, Vision hydrogen fuel cell team has independently developed the inducer and distributor and integrated them, which will form its own development algorithm table and have the property rights of independent knowledge. While self-researching the components, we also keep an open mind for cooperation and hope to shorten the development cycle of more components together with quality suppliers.

Seeking the direction of hydrogen consumption reduction

In terms of hydrogen consumption reduction, we separate the drainage and nitrogen discharge and make simulation models through a large amount of experimental data; in terms of purging strategy, we separate the shutdown purging from the start-up purging and make triple index judgments to finally establish the optimal purging strategy.

In terms of market application, Vision hydrogen fuel cell team uses the battery as the energy control strategy to allocate the fuel cell output, so as to control the fuel cell in the high-efficiency zone and improve its durability and lifetime, thus reducing the hydrogen consumption of the fuel cell.

Enhancing system durability level

At the system endurance level, the first step is to achieve consistency of distribution in the initial state. Based on the current high-power system or the multi-stack approach, the focus is on consistency of multi-stack flow distribution, consistency of single-piece flow distribution and consistency of multi-stack inlet pressure, thus reflecting the structural design as well as the layout design of components. Nowadays, there are very few ways to evaluate multi-piece membrane electrodes at the system level, or for the whole stack level. The electrochemical characterization of single membrane electrodes at the system level can be introduced into the endurance evaluation at the system level.

Relying on its rich technical experience and top core technology, Vision hydrogen fuel cell team has built a technical barrier for fuel cell systems, creating its own moat and actively contributing to the national dual carbon goal. Up to now, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles equipped with Wuhan Vision hydrogen fuel cell team systems have driven more than 13 million kilometres nationwide, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by about 22 million kilograms, equivalent to planting more than 150,000 trees.