
The 11th Vision Cup Golf Tournament Ended Up

May 8, 2012

April 30, 2012, Vision Group successfully held the 11th Vision Cup Golf Tournament in Xili Golf Club, Shenzhen city. There were 75 people who participated in this competition, including our partners and personalities of various circles.

The theme for this tournament was "Health & Sports, Green & Environment". Despite of the hot weather, the contestants were professional and enjoyed to continue the whole event, which exactly expressed the essential of this tournament.

After nearly 5 hours competition, the contestants gathered in the banquet hall and enjoyed the awards ceremony dinner as a perfect ending. In this event, there were 11 awards which presented to the contestants.

Inherited with 11 years of Vision Cup Golf Tournament, Vision Group always aims at furthering harmonious relations with partners and personalities of various circles through this golf tournament, with providing a wide platform for enhancing communicating with each other. This fully embodies the thinking of "Enjoy your life, with elegant golf ".