
Vision Fuel Cell Weekly: Microsoft deploys hydrogen fuel cell system, UK funds waste-to-hydrogen technology, Beijing, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Puyang and Jiashan release hydrogen energy policies

Aug 10, 2022

【Policy】Up to 40 million for a single item, Jiashan issued another policy to support the hydrogen energy industry

On August 9, the People's Government of Jiashan County issued "Several Policy Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Hydrogen Energy Industry" (hereinafter referred to as "Opinions").

The main contents are as follows

1. Aiming at the broken points and weak points of the hydrogen energy industry chain, we will increase the efforts to attract investment, introduce a number of large hydrogen energy equipment enterprises or investment projects with a driving effect, cultivate and introduce a number of "special and new" enterprises for core components and key materials, etc.; introduce a number of service enterprises for equipment testing, vehicle maintenance and safety training, etc. Newly established enterprises with a total investment of 100 million yuan or more will be given a one-time subsidy of 12% of the annual investment in equipment, with a maximum subsidy of 40 million yuan for a single enterprise. The county and town finances will each bear 50%.

2. The third party (introducer) who plays a decisive role in successfully introducing new projects (new enterprises) with a total investment of over 100 million yuan to Jiashan will be rewarded at 5 per cent of the paid-up registered capital of the project, with a maximum of 2 million yuan for a single project.

3. The existing enterprises in the hydrogen energy industry that implement technological transformation and invest more than 5 million yuan in productive equipment will be given a subsidy of 18% of the actual equipment investment, with a maximum of 15 million yuan for a single enterprise.

4. Promote the construction of enterprise innovation system. The newly recognized national, provincial and municipal enterprise technology centres will be awarded 3 million yuan, 1 million yuan and 200,000 yuan respectively; the newly recognized national and provincial technology innovation demonstration enterprises will be awarded 3 million yuan and 2 million yuan respectively; the newly recognized national and provincial manufacturing innovation centres will be awarded 3 million yuan and 2 million yuan respectively; the newly recognized national quality The newly identified national quality benchmark enterprises, manufacturing single champion demonstration enterprises, industrial product quality control and technology evaluation laboratories, industrial technology base public service platforms, a one-time award of 3 million yuan; the newly identified provincial high-end equipment manufacturing backbone enterprises or provincial key industrial technology alliances, an award of 2 million yuan. To the newly identified Jiaxing key enterprise technology innovation team, a reward of 600,000 yuan. To the newly identified provincial-level enterprise research institute, to reward 1 million yuan; to the newly identified provincial-level key laboratories or provincial-level engineering research centre to reward 1 million yuan, municipal key laboratories (Class A) to reward 500,000 yuan.

【Policy】2,000 vehicles, 50 ships, 10 railcars! Liaoning Province Hydrogen Energy Industry Development Plan (2021-2025)

On August 5, the Liaoning Provincial Development and Reform Commission issued the Liaoning Province Hydrogen Energy Industry Development Plan (2021-2025).

1. Immediate Objectives (2021-2025)

(1) Industrial Development Goals

By 2025, the province's hydrogen energy industry will achieve an output value of 60 billion yuan, gather more than 100 enterprises related to the hydrogen energy industry, cultivate about 10 well-known enterprises with core competitiveness and influence, reach a production capacity of 10,000 fuel cell engines with independent intellectual property rights and core technologies, and achieve breakthroughs in the fuel cell ship, rail transportation, unmanned aircraft and distributed energy industries. The development pattern of the whole hydrogen energy industry chain will be initially formed.

(2) Technological innovation target

By 2025, a technology research and development, inspection and testing system covering the whole chain of the hydrogen energy industry will be formed, and the core technologies in the fields of hydrogen production, hydrogen storage and transportation, fuel cell reactors, fuel cell systems and fuel cell vehicles will be close to the international advanced level. (3) Application and promotion

(3) Application and promotion target

By 2025, the number of fuel cell vehicles (including buses, passenger cars, heavy trucks, tractors, sanitation vehicles, etc.) in the province will reach more than 2,000, the number of fuel cell forklifts will reach more than 1,000, the number of fuel cell ships will reach more than 50, the number of fuel cell rail vehicles will reach more than 10, and the installed capacity of distributed power generation systems, backup power supply and combined heat and power supply systems will reach 100 MW. The installed capacity will reach 100 MW, and there will be more than 30 hydrogen refuelling stations.

2. Long-term goals (2026-2035)

(1) Industrial Development Goals

By 2035, a complete hydrogen energy industry system will be formed, equipment manufacturing will move to the high end, more than 50 internationally and domestically renowned leading enterprises in the province's hydrogen energy industry will be established, the production capacity of fuel cell engines with independent intellectual property rights and core technologies will reach 300,000 units, and the output value of the hydrogen energy industry will exceed RMB 500 billion.

(2) Technological innovation target

By 2035, the core technologies in the fields of hydrogen production, hydrogen storage and transportation, fuel cell reactors, fuel cell systems and fuel cell vehicles will reach the world's leading level; the specific power of fuel cells will be greater than 7.0 kW/liter, the cost will be less than RMB 500/kW, and the energy consumption of hydrogen production by electrolysis will be less than 4 kWh/standard cube.

(3) Application and promotion target

By 2035, the number of fuel cell vehicles (including buses, passenger cars, heavy trucks, tractor trucks, sanitation vehicles, etc.) in the province will reach over 150,000, the number of fuel cell forklifts will reach over 50,000, the number of fuel cell ships will reach over 1,500, the number of fuel cell rail vehicles will reach over 50, and the installed capacity of distributed power generation systems, backup power supply and combined heat and power supply systems will reach over 1,000 MW. The installed capacity of distributed power generation systems, backup power supply and combined heat and power supply systems will reach 1000 MW, and there will be more than 500 hydrogen refuelling stations.

Source: Liaoning Provincial Development and Reform Commission

【Policy】Jilin Province Carbon Peak Implementation Plan: Formulation of Hydrogen Energy Industry Development Plan

On August 1, the People's Government of Jilin Province issued the Jilin Province Carbon Peak Implementation Plan (hereinafter referred to as "the Plan").

In the area of hydrogen energy, the Programme states that

(i) Action on green and low-carbon transformation of energy.

1. Vigorously develop new energy sources. Formulate development plans for the hydrogen energy industry, promote the construction of the "Northern Hydrogen Valley" and the "Changchun-Songyuan-Baicheng" hydrogen energy corridor in an orderly manner, and promote the development of the whole chain of hydrogen energy "production, storage, transmission and use". Steady implementation of nuclear energy for heat supply demonstration projects.

(iii) Action to achieve carbon peak in the industrial sector.

1. Promote green and low-carbon development in the industrial sector. Promote the development of hydrogen energy equipment and hydrogen fuel cells, and build a new energy equipment industry chain.

2. Promote carbon peaking in the iron and steel industry. Explore pilot demonstrations of hydrogen metallurgy and integration of carbon dioxide capture and utilization.

(V) Green and low-carbon actions in transportation.

1. Vigorously promote new energy vehicles. Explore the promotion of new energy vehicles such as hydrogen energy.

3. Accelerate the construction of green transport infrastructure. Promote the construction of infrastructure such as charging piles, supporting power grids, gas filling stations and hydrogen filling stations in an orderly manner, encourage the construction of charging facilities in hub sites and car parks, and further improve the layout of highway charging (replacement) facilities with the Ha-Chang city cluster and Changchun metropolitan area as the core.

Information source: Jilin Provincial People's Government

【Policy】Hydrogen transportation subsidy of 2 yuan/kg, hydrogen vehicle purchase subsidy of 60%, hydrogen refueling station of up to 10 million! Notice on the Support Measures for Promoting the Development of Hydrogen Energy Industry in Puyang City" was officially released

On August 3, the People's Government of Puyang City issued the Notice on the Support Measures for Promoting the Development of Hydrogen Energy Industry in Puyang City (hereinafter referred to as "the Notice").

The Notice gives subsidies in 10 major areas such as green hydrogen preparation, hydrogen energy storage and transportation, hydrogen refuelling station construction, hydrogen refuelling station operation, commercial application in transportation field, vehicle operation, promotion and application in energy field, cultivation and growth of industry backbone enterprises, landing of hydrogen energy enterprises and industrial projects, and increasing financial support. The main contents are as follows.

I. Increasing support for green hydrogen preparation. Establish a "green channel" for the approval of hydrogen preparation and testing service construction projects, and implement a "one-stop" administrative approval process. In the first year, a subsidy of RMB 15 yuan per kilogram will be given, and thereafter, the subsidy will be sloped down by 20% year by year, with a maximum of RMB 5 million per year.

Second, strengthen the support of hydrogen energy storage and transportation. For new hydrogen storage and transportation projects in high-pressure gaseous state, low-temperature liquid state, non-toxic organic liquid and solid state, a subsidy of 10% of the total actual investment in equipment (including software) will be given, and the maximum subsidy for a single project will not exceed 6 million yuan. For transport enterprises with more than 10 hydrogen transport vehicles (with a single vehicle carrying more than 200 kg of hydrogen), if they are engaged in the business of transporting hydrogen produced in the city for foreign sales, they will be given an operating subsidy of RMB 2 yuan per kg, up to a maximum of RMB 2 million per year, according to the actual amount of hydrogen transported annually.

3. Accelerate the construction of hydrogen refuelling stations. Optimize the approval process for the construction of hydrogen refuelling stations, and establish a "green channel" for approval and a "one-stop" administrative approval management system. If a fixed hydrogen refuelling station with a daily hydrogen refuelling capacity of 500 kg or more is newly built, reconstructed or expanded and commits to operate continuously in the city for more than three years, a one-time subsidy will be given to 40% of the actual investment in construction (excluding land cost) after the completion and acceptance of the station and its operation. Support the demonstration construction of 70MPa hydrogen refuelling stations and "hydrogen production and hydrogen refuelling" integrated stations.

4. Implement subsidies for the operation of hydrogen refuelling stations. For hydrogen refuelling stations whose retail price of hydrogen does not exceed 35 yuan per kilogram, the operating subsidy policy will be implemented in accordance with the actual sales volume of hydrogen each year, and the maximum subsidy for each hydrogen refuelling station will not exceed 2 million yuan per year.

V. Accelerate the commercial application in the field of transportation. The city and counties (districts) will give priority to hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in the new purchase or replacement (including leasing) of buses, sanitation vehicles, logistics vehicles, municipal engineering vehicles, forklifts, medical vehicles and other vehicles, with the proportion being no less than 50%. Support the Zhongyuan Oilfield Branch to promote the application of various types of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in oilfield operations. A one-time subsidy of up to 60% of the sales price of a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle will be given to those who purchase hydrogen fuel cell vehicles produced by local enterprises and those equipped with locally produced hydrogen fuel cell power systems or key components, and whose cumulative pure hydrogen mileage of a single vehicle reaches 20,000 km or more.

Information source: Puyang Municipal People's Government

【Policy】19 Subsidy Policies! Several Policy Measures on Supporting the Development of Beijing's Hydrogen Energy Industry (Draft for Comments)

On August 2, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology released "Several Policy Measures on Supporting the Development of Beijing's Hydrogen Energy Industry (Draft for Comments)" (hereinafter referred to as "Draft for Comments").

The Draft Opinion intends to support subsidies in seven major areas: scientific and technological research and innovation, technology and equipment application, industrial agglomeration development, infrastructure construction, demonstration and promotion application, standard system construction and service system construction. The key contents are as follows.

1. Support the first batch of applications of new materials. New material products in the field of hydrogen energy will be given priority to be included in the Beijing Key New Material Demonstration Catalogue for the first batch of applications.

2. Support the first products to enter the market. Support the first application of technical products (collectively referred to as first products) that belong to the key areas of hydrogen energy, fill the gaps in the domestic (international) market and are the first of their kind in China (international). According to the application effect of the products, the development unit will be given financial support of up to RMB 5 million for the first international product and up to RMB 3 million for the first domestic product in proportion to 30% of the amount of the first market entry contract (any one of the first three contracts).

3. Support enterprises to expand their investment. For hydrogen energy new construction and renovation projects with a total investment of 1 billion yuan (inclusive) or more, or of a global or strategic nature, and for which loans are obtained, as well as for enterprises carrying out mergers and acquisitions, support will be given in the form of loan subsidies not exceeding the market quotation rate (LPR) of the People's Bank of China for medium and long-term loans for the same period, with a term not exceeding 3 years (1 year for mergers and acquisitions), and in principle not exceeding 30 million yuan per year for a single enterprise. For enterprises with fixed asset investment of more than RMB 10 million and bank loans, they will be granted an interest rate of no more than 2% for fixed asset loans and no more than RMB 10 million per year for a single enterprise. The annual subsidy will be no more than 10 million RMB.

4. Support the construction and operation of hydrogen refuelling stations. Encourage the construction of new and renovated (expanded) hydrogen refuelling stations in line with the city's development plan. A subsidy of RMB10/kg of hydrogen operation is given to hydrogen refuelling stations that provide hydrogen refuelling services within the administrative area of the city and commit to a hydrogen market sales price of no more than RMB30/kg.

Information source: Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economic and Information Technology

【Policy】30% subsidy for the purchase of hydrogen vehicles and up to 5 million for hydrogen refuelling stations! Guangzhou "Nansha District Hydrogen Energy Industry Support Measures (Draft for Comments)" was issued

On August 3, the People's Government of Nansha District, Guangzhou issued the "Measures for Supporting the Hydrogen Energy Industry in Nansha District (Draft for Public Comments)" (hereinafter referred to as "Draft for Public Comments").

Eight items of vehicle promotion and application, vehicle operation incentive, vehicle hydrogen refuelling subsidy, equity exercise award and related service support, valid for three years. The highlights are shown below.

1. Subsidies for office R&D and production plants. For small and medium-sized enterprises in the hydrogen energy industry that are engaged in the research and development of key components such as electric reactors, bipolar plates, membrane electrodes, catalysts and air compressors, they will be given a full rental subsidy for three consecutive years for office R&D and production plants with legal compliance procedures, and a 50% rental subsidy for three consecutive years for the part exceeding 3000 square meters. Each enterprise will be subsidized up to RMB 3 million per year based on the assessed market price of office R&D and production plant rentals, and the subsidy for office R&D and production plant will not exceed the actual expenditure of the enterprise.

2. Encourage the improvement of infrastructure construction. Focus on supporting the construction of integrated production and refuelling stations and integrated energy stations for oil, hydrogen and gas, and encourage the use of existing gas stations to convert and expand hydrogen refuelling stations. For the expansion and reconstruction of fixed hydrogen refuelling stations with a daily hydrogen refuelling capacity of not less than 500kg, the maximum subsidy will be 40% of the actual equipment investment; for the construction of new fixed hydrogen refuelling stations with a daily hydrogen refuelling capacity of not less than 500kg, the maximum subsidy will be 30% of the actual equipment investment. For the above-mentioned fixed hydrogen refuelling stations that are expanded, reconstructed or newly built, subsidies will be provided up to a maximum of 5 million per station, and the total financial subsidies at all levels will not exceed 50% of the fixed asset investment in the hydrogen refuelling station. If the municipal financial subsidies for the infrastructure of hydrogen refuelling stations are proportionally borne by the district financial authorities, the district subsidies will be deducted accordingly.

3. Encourage the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements. For the key components such as electric stack, bipolar plate, membrane electrode, catalyst, air compressor and other products manufactured by enterprises, after being recognized, a single product will be rewarded at a maximum of 50,000 yuan, and each enterprise will not exceed 500,000 yuan per year. The maximum amount of support shall not exceed RMB 10 million.

4. Vehicle operation incentive. If an enterprise in the district purchases a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle for operation through a sales company in the district, an operating incentive of up to RMB 20,000 per vehicle per year for three consecutive years will be given to a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle with a mileage of more than 20,000 km per year, with the total incentive for the same enterprise not exceeding RMB 1 million per year.

Information source: People's Government of Nansha District, Guangzhou

【Policy】Hangzhou Development and Reform Commission: "Zhejiang Province Hydrogen Refuelling Station Layout Plan (2022-2025)" has been consulted, and 12 hydrogen refuelling stations will be completed in Hangzhou by the end of the year

On August 2, Hangzhou Development and Reform Commission published its reply to the proposal No. 3 of the 12th Session of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

The main contents include

In May this year, the "Layout Plan of Hydrogen Refuelling Stations in Zhejiang Province (2022-2025)" was put up for consultation, proposing to basically build a hydrogen refuelling network with a 100 km radiation radius in the city and urban areas in 2025, construct more than 50 hydrogen refuelling stations in the province (including 9 in Hangzhou), with a daily hydrogen refuelling capacity of more than 80 tons, and carry out pilot hydrogen refuelling stations for the integration of hydrogen production and hydrogen refuelling and renewable energy production; in 2030 A hydrogen refuelling network with a 50-kilometre radius of radiation in the city and urban areas will be basically built, promoting the construction of hydrogen refuelling stations and the synergistic development of the hydrogen energy industry, and helping the province to achieve the goal of carbon peak.

Hangzhou City attaches great importance to the layout of hydrogen refuelling station network, and has increased its efforts to promote the construction of hydrogen refuelling stations. Meanwhile, during the 14th Five-Year Plan period, the provincial traffic investment group will carry out 2GW projects of wind, light, load and storage integration and multi-energy (hydrogen production and refuelling) complementary projects, the first phase of which (to be completed in 2022) intends to build 12 hydrogen production (refuelling) stations in high-speed service areas within Hangzhou. By 2025, Hangzhou is expected to have an initial commercial hydrogen refuelling network of 32 hydrogen refuelling stations.

The next step is to continue to strengthen the research on the planning of deployment, further map out the land resources of existing gas stations (including gas stations and comprehensive energy supply stations) and reasonably lay out the network of hydrogen refuelling stations.

Secondly, we will further study the policies on hydrogen production and energy storage to expand the supply channels and improve the quality of hydrogen supply. Promote model innovation, develop hydrogen refuelling models such as "scenic hydrogen storage and refuelling" integration and "oil, gas, hydrogen, electricity and service" integrated refuelling stations, and form a number of large-scale, low-cost, efficient and safe hydrogen "production-storage-transportation-refuelling" technology demonstrations. "The demonstration of hydrogen production, storage, transportation and refuelling technology will improve the efficiency of hydrogen refuelling.

Information source: Hangzhou Development and Reform Commission

【Industry】Microsoft deploys hydrogen fuel cell system to replace diesel generators in the future

Microsoft said it has successfully tested a large 3 megawatt hydrogen fuel cell system that could be used as an environmentally friendly backup power source for Microsoft data centres in the future.

In a blog post, Microsoft said it had tested the hydrogen fuel system in the same way as the diesel back-up generators used in most of Microsoft's data centres. The tests showed that the system could be kept running reliably during simulated power outages and test runs of up to several hours.

Microsoft now aims to install such a system in one of its research data centres, and Microsoft engineers will work on how to deploy and use the technology. Microsoft says it will also try to develop new hydrogen safety protocols and eventually hopes that hydrogen fuel cells will completely replace diesel-powered backup generators, allowing Microsoft to use the lowest carbon emission emergency power source.

Microsoft has not yet set a date for the system's first operation and deployment in its production data centres, but has indicated that if it is deployed, it will choose locations where local air quality standards prohibit the use of diesel generators.

Information source:

【News】UK Government provides funding to 22 organisations to support hydrogen from waste technology

The UK government's Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) announced on August 4 that 22 organisations will receive up to £250,000 ($303,850) as part of the first phase of its Hydrogen BECCS innovation programme.

The total funding of £5 million ($6.08 million) for the BEIS programme is intended to support the development of technology for the production of hydrogen through BECCS, a process that produces hydrogen from biomass and waste and is capable of capturing and storing the carbon released during the process.

Information source: BEIS