

Vision fuel cell weekly report丨BMW iX5 hydrogen car and Honda CR-V model hydrogen car will be produced soon; another big move in domestic hydrogen production and transportation

Dec 7, 2022

Fuel Cell Weekly, jointly launched by Vision Battery (public number: vision002733) and Battery Network (public number: mybattery). It aims to share more valuable information, bring more objective cognition and analysis to the industry, and give a different perspective and thinking to industrial manufacturing. We look forward to your attention, participation and support!

South China's largest hydrogen fuel cell hydrogen supply center successfully started up in one go

Recently, Maoming Petrochemical Hydrogen Fuel Cell Supply Center, the largest hydrogen fuel cell supply center in South China, successfully produced qualified high-purity hydrogen with 99.999% purity, marking the successful start-up of the plant. With this successful start-up, Maoming Petrochemical has the capacity to supply 2,100 tons of high-purity hydrogen to the society every year, laying a solid foundation for the construction of the coastal "hydrogen corridor".

BMW started the production of fuel cell model iX5!

The BMW iX5 Hydrogen fuel cell model has recently started small series production at the BMW Group's pilot plant at the Munich Research and Innovation Center. BMW says the iX5 Hydrogen will be deployed for use and road tests in certain cities starting in the first quarter of 2023.

"Hydrogen is a versatile clean energy source that plays a key role in our move toward carbon neutrality," said Frank Weber, BMW board member responsible for development." We are certain that hydrogen will play an increasingly important role in people's mobility, so a mix of power cell and fuel cell electric drive systems is a smart approach in the long run.

Honda to begin U.S. production of CR-V model fuel-cell electric vehicle in 2024

Honda Motor Co. recently announced that it will produce a fuel-cell electric vehicle version of the sixth-generation CR-V model at its performance manufacturing center in Marysville, Ohio, beginning in 2024. The vehicle uses fuel cell technology for fast recharge and longer range. In addition to fuel cell technology, the vehicle will be equipped with plugs so that owners can charge the on-board battery to power trips around town.

Total investment of 9 billion! Sany Heavy Energy to build 1 million kilowatts of wind power to produce hydrogen to ammonia and other projects

Recently, Sany Heavy Energy signed an investment agreement with the People's Government of Balikun Kazakh Autonomous County to build a large megawatt intelligent wind power equipment manufacturing industrial park.

The total investment of the project is 9 billion yuan, and it is planned to build an annual capacity of 2 million kilowatts of large megawatt intelligent wind power equipment manufacturing industrial park (host, blade), 500,000 kilowatts of wind storage new energy project and 1 million kilowatts of wind power hydrogen to ammonia project, supporting the centralized control and big data center, carbon management platform. Through the direct supply of green power, energy-saving and emission reduction system construction and other measures to create a "zero carbon industrial park"; the introduction of "green power - green hydrogen - green ammonia" industry, the introduction of the promotion of hydrogen fueled heavy trucks, the establishment of a set of The application demonstration project of new energy power generation + electrolytic water hydrogen production + green hydrogen and green ammonia + hydrogen fueled heavy truck is integrated, relying on the demand of chemical enterprises in Balikun County for green hydrogen and green ammonia and the application scenario of coal chemical industry for hydrogen fueled heavy truck, forming a local consumption demonstration project.

Sinopec is going to invest 20 billion to build 400 km hydrogen pipeline connecting Beijing and Mongolia

Recently, Sinopec is pushing forward its plan to build a large-scale green hydrogen project in Inner Mongolia, and will invest 20 billion yuan for the construction of an integrated green power and hydrogen energy project in Ulanqab, Inner Mongolia. It includes an integrated onshore wind power and hydrogen production project and a hydrogen transmission pipeline, which is 400 km long and will connect the hydrogen production plant in Ulanqab to Sinopec's Yanshan Petrochemical in Beijing, with an annual throughput of 100,000 tons of hydrogen.

Anhui Provincial People's Government issued a notice on the implementation plan of Anhui Province Carbon Peak

On December 7, the Anhui Provincial People's Government issued a notice on the implementation plan of Anhui Province Carbon Peak, in which hydrogen energy is pointed out: in areas with good conditions for the development of photovoltaic and wind power, the demonstration of hydrogen production from renewable energy is carried out, and the whole chain development of hydrogen energy "production, storage, transmission and use" is promoted. The construction of infrastructure such as charging piles, supporting power grids, gas filling stations and hydrogen refueling stations will be promoted in an orderly manner, and a number of low-carbon and zero-carbon hub stations will be built. Accelerate the large-scale application of hydrogen energy in industry, transportation, construction and other fields.

Ningxia Renewable Energy Development "14th Five-Year Plan" released!

On December 5, Ningxia Development and Reform Commission released the "14th Five-Year Plan for Renewable Energy Development in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region", in which hydrogen energy is pointed out: to promote the development of renewable energy and hydrogen energy integration. Vigorously develop off-grid new energy electrolytic water hydrogen production, and build a large-scale production base of green hydrogen in Ningdong Photovoltaic Industrial Park. By 2025, strive to green hydrogen production scale to reach 80,000 tons / year.

Zhejiang: focus on supporting the development of hydrogen energy and other fields Promote scientific and technological collaborative innovation in the field of clean and low-carbon energy such as hydrogen energy and energy storage

On December 5, the Development and Reform Commission of Zhejiang Province released the "Implementation Opinions on Improving Institutional Mechanisms and Policy Measures for Green and Low-carbon Energy Transition in Zhejiang Province (Draft for Public Comments)". Among them, hydrogen energy points out: encourage the comprehensive use of nuclear energy such as nuclear energy heating, nuclear energy hydrogen production, and promote nuclear power bases to carry out the construction of zero carbon future city (park).

Encourage the transformation of existing and new coal power coupled with renewable energy, energy storage, hydrogen energy and other integrated energy service providers, explore the same market entity to operate multi-energy complementary, multi-energy joint supply regional integrated energy system, and carry out demonstration of intelligent integrated energy services. Encourage cities and counties to introduce financial policies to support the development of wind power, natural gas distribution, hydrogen energy, ocean energy, new energy storage and new power systems.

Subsidize the price of hydrogen refueling no higher than 30 yuan/kg! Another new policy introduced in Guangzhou, Guangdong

On December 6, the Guangzhou Municipal Development and Reform Commission issued a notice from the Guangzhou New Energy Vehicle Development Working Group Office on the issuance of the Guangzhou Fuel Cell Vehicle Demonstration and Application Work Plan (2022-2025), which states that: for fuel cell vehicles that have received national comprehensive assessment award points and no less than five key components are manufactured within the demonstration city cluster, the fuel cell system is subsidized according to its rated power 3000 yuan/kW (the subsidized power of a single vehicle does not exceed 110 kW). The subsidy is 2.5 million yuan for each station belonging to the oil (gas) hydrogen combined station and hydrogen production and hydrogen refueling integrated comprehensive energy supply, and 2 million yuan for each station belonging to the remaining fixed hydrogen refueling station occupying an area of 2,000 square meters. For the terminal sales price of hydrogen refueling stations not higher than 35 yuan/kg by the end of 2023 and not higher than 30 yuan/kg by the end of 2024, financial subsidies will be given to hydrogen refueling stations according to the actual hydrogen refueling volume. By 2025, a stable guarantee system of annual production of about 30,000 tons of hydrogen in the city and annual supply of 10,000 tons of hydrogen for vehicles outside the city will be formed, and we will strive to build more than 50 hydrogen refueling stations and form a hydrogen supply network for vehicles that matches the promotion and application of fuel cell vehicles.