
Vision Fuel Cell Weekly Report丨Up to 20 million! Wuhan issues public notice for hydrogen energy call, Brazil builds green hydrogen plant, hydrogen energy specialization and new venture competition is about to start, Europe sets off green steel action

Jul 27, 2022

【Policy】Up to 20 million subsidies! Wuhan released the "Public Notice on the Implementation Rules of the Opinions on Supporting the Development of Hydrogen Energy Industry for Public Consultation

On July 27, the Wuhan Bureau of Economy and Information Technology released the "Public Notice on the Implementation Rules of Opinions on Supporting the Development of Hydrogen Energy Industry for Public Consultation", in which the hydrogen energy aspect states that

For the city's fuel cell core parts production enterprises, an over-progressive ladder incentive will be given according to the ratio of 2%-5% of the annual sales revenue of core parts. For enterprises with sales revenue of fuel cell core components of RMB 10 million (inclusive) to RMB 50 million (exclusive), the incentive will be given at 2% of the sales revenue of fuel cell core components, the excess of RMB 50 million (inclusive) to RMB 100 million (exclusive) will be given at 3%, the excess of RMB 100 million (inclusive) to RMB 200 million (exclusive) will be given at 4%, and the excess of RMB 200 million (inclusive) or more will be given at The maximum annual incentive for a single enterprise is RMB 10 million.

For fuel cell models developed and mass-produced by vehicle manufacturers in the city, incentives will be given in steps of five units sold. Among them, passenger car models will be rewarded RMB150,000 for every five units, capped at RMB6 million; light trucks, medium trucks and small and medium-sized buses will be rewarded RMB300,000 for every five units, capped at RMB600,000; heavy trucks (over 12 tonnes) and large buses (over 10 metres) will be rewarded RMB1 million for every five units, capped at RMB1 million. Special purpose vehicles are implemented with reference to 50% of the corresponding truck incentive standard. No more than three models of passenger cars and no more than 10 models of other vehicles will be rewarded cumulatively by a single enterprise.

A one-off subsidy of RMB 2 million will be given to new (including built) and reconstructed fixed hydrogen refuelling stations with a daily hydrogen refuelling capacity of not less than 500 kg. For hydrogen refuelling stations with a daily hydrogen refuelling capacity of not less than 500 kg and a sales price of not more than RMB 35/kg, an operating subsidy of up to RMB 1.5 million will be granted at the rate of RMB 15/kg (2022), RMB 12/kg (2023), RMB 8/kg (2024) and RMB 3/kg (2025) according to the annual cumulative hydrogen refuelling volume.

A one-time subsidy will be given to hydrogen energy industry investment technology reform projects with fixed asset investment of 10 million yuan or more (inclusive), according to 8% of the total investment in productive equipment actually completed during their construction validity period, up to a maximum of 20 million yuan for a single project. 

Information source: Wuhan Bureau of Economy and Information Technology

【Policy】Promoting hydrogen fuel cell logistics vehicles and dump trucks, "The 14th Five-Year Plan for Ecological Protection of Guangzhou City" was released!

On 22 July, the Guangzhou Municipal People's Government published on its official website a notice on the issuance of the "14th Five-Year Plan for Ecological Environmental Protection in Guangzhou", in which the hydrogen energy content states that:

Optimise the energy structure, develop the hydrogen energy industry, accelerate the construction of hydrogen energy infrastructure, explore hydrogen energy as an alternative to fossil fuels, and promote the construction of a hydrogen fuel cell industrial park in the Guangzhou Development Zone.

Promote carbon emission reduction in various fields. Promote the clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient use of energy, build a low-carbon energy system, promote the development of green electricity, shut down coal-fired units that have reached the end of their service life in accordance with regulations, vigorously develop low-carbon energy sources such as solar energy, natural gas and hydrogen, implement electrical energy substitution projects and improve integrated regional energy management. Accelerate the replacement of clean fuels in the transportation sector, promote the use of clean energy in long-distance heavy-duty transport trucks, and accelerate the electrification or conversion to hydrogen fuel cells in taxis, net cars, dump trucks and port logistics transport vehicles.

Carry out collaborative treatment to reduce pollution and carbon emissions. Increase efforts to control other greenhouse gases such as methane, HFCs and PFCs. Explore the establishment of demonstration projects to reduce pollution and reduce carbon emissions.

Promote the development of green electricity and vigorously develop low-carbon energy sources such as solar energy, natural gas and hydrogen energy. Simultaneously promote the construction of charging and switching facilities and promote hydrogen fuel cell logistics vehicles and dump trucks.

Information source: Guangzhou Municipal People's Government

【Industry】The Technical Specification of Hydrogen Fuel Cell System for Industrial Vehicles led by Anhui Haili has been successfully established

Recently, the "Technical Specification for Hydrogen Fuel Cell System for Industrial Vehicles", which was developed under the auspices of Anhui HeLi, has been successfully established. The successful release of this technical specification will help promote collaborative innovation, further improve the standard system for industrial vehicles and provide solid support for the high-quality development of the industry.

As a clean, efficient, safe and sustainable secondary energy source, hydrogen energy can provide deep decarbonisation for traditional industries such as chemicals, smelting, power fuels, energy storage and construction. The development of hydrogen energy can also drive innovation in energy science and technology, and is of great strategic importance to the innovative development of China's high-end equipment manufacturing, automobile, railway, shipbuilding, aerospace, drone and other industries.

China's hydrogen energy and fuel cell electric vehicle standard system is in the process of being gradually established and improved, which is of great significance to the research and development, promotion and application of fuel cell vehicles and their related technologies. However, in the field of industrial vehicles, the standards related to "hydrogen forklift" are almost blank - China's hydrogen fuel cell forklift industry is still at the early stage of development, and it is necessary to establish a perfect hydrogen energy industry standard system. For this reason, Anhui HELLY actively explores the application and promotion of hydrogen energy and promotes the formulation of standards related to hydrogen forklifts.

The success of the "Technical Specification for Hydrogen Fuel Cell System for Industrial Vehicles" fully proves the comprehensive strength of Anhui HELLY in the practical application of hydrogen fuel cell and reflects its "HELLY" role in promoting the "low-carbon" development of the industry.

Source: Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Watch

【News】2022 Hydrogen Energy Competition Calendar Released | The competition is about to start

On July 27, the first preliminaries of the China Hydrogen Energy Alliance 2022 Hydrogen Energy Specialized and New Entrepreneurship Competition will be held. The competition was launched at the beginning of July and more than 100 companies have registered so far. The online preliminaries will be held on July 27 and August 10, and the offline industry summit and finals will be held on September 15. The judging panel is led by five academicians, with 28 investment institutions, 30 technical experts and 20+ regional partners deeply involved.

Innovation is the soul of social progress and entrepreneurship is an important way to promote economic and social development. With the theme of "Hydrogen Creates the Future", the competition is jointly organized with Guohua Investment of National Energy Group, Xinhua Starfire Action and Venture Black Horse, etc. It is dedicated to selecting specialised and new projects in the hydrogen energy industry, discovering hydrogen energy enterprises with specialised and new potential, realising "attracting investment with the competition and promoting industry with the competition "The event aims to attract investment and promote the development of China's hydrogen energy industry with high quality.

Information source: China Hydrogen Energy Alliance

【Industry】4.7KM pure hydrogen doping pipeline will be started soon! Inner Mongolia Science and Technology Major Special Project "Research and Development of Key Technologies for Medium and Low Pressure Pure Hydrogen and Hydrogen Doping Gas Pipeline Transmission and Its Application" Project Promotion Meeting Held

From July 23 to 25, Tongliao Science and Technology Bureau organized a meeting to promote the project of "Low and medium pressure pure hydrogen and hydrogen-doped gas pipeline transmission and its application key technology research and development", which is a major special project of the autonomous region.

Hydrogen doping and pure hydrogen transportation in natural gas pipeline is an important research direction for hydrogen transportation and large-scale utilization at home and abroad. "The project is led by Tongliao Long Shengfeng Natural Gas Co., Ltd. and jointly implemented by 9 universities, research institutes and high-tech enterprises. The project has been actively recommended by Tongliao Science and Technology Bureau to the higher level for support, and has been approved by Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region for a major special project of science and technology, with funding of RMB 9.43 million.

【Policy】Hydrogen energy helps to achieve peak carbon in five areas! The "Shanghai Carbon Peaking Implementation Plan" was issued

Recently, the Shanghai Municipal People's Government issued the "Shanghai Carbon Peak Implementation Plan" (hereinafter referred to as "the Plan")".

In terms of hydrogen energy, the Programme states that

1. Deeply promote the green and low-carbon transformation of industries. Make green and low-carbon an important direction of industrial development and an emerging growth point, focus on creating a policy and institutional environment conducive to green and low-carbon technology research and development and industrial development, encourage and support districts and parks to step up efforts to carry out green and low-carbon recycling technology innovation and application demonstration, cultivate and grow new energy, new energy vehicles, energy conservation and environmental protection, recycling, energy storage and smart grid, carbon capture and resource utilization, hydrogen energy and other Green low carbon cycle related manufacturing and service industries.

2. Promote carbon peaking in the iron and steel industry. Promote clean energy substitution in iron-making processes and captive power plants, enhance the natural gas storage and supply capacity of iron and steel bases, accelerate the research and application of new furnace materials, natural gas substitution for blown coal, hydrogen-rich carbon cycle blast furnaces, microwave sintering and other energy-saving and low-carbon technologies, and explore pilot demonstrations of gas-based shaft furnace hydrogen smelting technology, carbon capture and resource utilization. Strengthen product upgrading and increase the development and production of high-performance steel such as oriented silicon steel for energy-efficient transformers.

3. Promote the low-carbon transformation of transport equipment. Accelerate the transformation and upgrading of transport vehicles to electrification, low-carbon and intelligence, and actively expand the application of clean energy such as electricity, natural gas, advanced bio-liquid fuels and hydrogen energy in the transport sector. Accelerate the full electrification of vehicles in the public sector, actively encourage the development of electrification in the social passenger vehicle sector, and continue to promote the demonstration pilot and popularisation of LNG, biomass-fuelled and hydrogen-fuelled heavy-duty freight vehicles. By 2025, the total number of fuel cell vehicle applications will exceed 10,000 vehicles. In principle, all new or updated vehicles in the public sector, such as party and government organs, state-owned enterprises and institutions, sanitation and postal services, as well as rental cars, urban freight vehicles and city charter buses with suitable models, will use pure electric vehicles or fuel cell vehicles; by 2035, the energy efficiency level of ships will be continuously improved, the development of electric river vessels will be accelerated, and new river vessels such as sanitation, ferries, Huangpu River cruise ships and official vessels will in principle be Electricity or liquefied natural gas will be used to drive new vessels, and the application of new energy sources such as hydrogen and ammonia in ocean-going vessels will be actively promoted.

Information source: Shanghai Municipal People's Government

【Industry】Focus on priority development of hydrogen energy! The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) released the "Double Carbon" Basic Research Guideline

On July 18, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) released the "Guidance Outline for Basic Research on "Double Carbon"", which states that hydrogen energy is included in the key areas and priority directions. Details are as follows.

The key areas and priority directions in the reshaping of the energy structure include

Hydrogen energy and other secondary energy and low-carbon chemical synergy system construction: the principle of low-carbon and efficient hydrogen production from fossil energy; the construction of an integrated industrial system of hydrogen energy "production, storage, transmission and use" and the development of key materials; the process mechanism of efficient and economic hydrogen fuel cells; the construction of a high-value process manufacturing system.

Key areas and priority directions for industrial restructuring include

Low carbon process industry: coupling mechanism of low carbon chemical and chemical processes; regulation mechanism of green hydrogen refining process; mechanism of catalytic conversion of carbon based resources; mechanism of zero carbon and negative carbon in electrochemistry; coupling principle of high energy efficiency and quality of all scrap electric furnace process; physical and chemical principle and regulation mechanism of low carbon process reengineering, etc.

Low carbon building system: carbonate decomposition coupled with in-situ reduction mechanism; green hydrogen and biomass fuel substitution process mechanism; metallurgical waste residue utilization mechanism; flexible intelligent carbon neutral building design and operation and maintenance mechanism, etc.

Industrial low-carbon transition paths: strategies for selecting new technology paths for industrial low-carbon transition; hydrogen-based processes and electrification process change paths; whole-industry ecosystem with intelligent control and resource recycling, etc.

Information source: National Natural Science Foundation of China

【News】Brazil's first green hydrogen plant

On 26 July, the foundation stone of Brazil's first green hydrogen plant was laid on 26 July in the city of Camassari, Bahia State in northeastern Brazil. The plant is expected to be put into operation at the end of 2023 and will be able to produce 10,000 tons of green hydrogen and 60,000 tons of green ammonia per year.

The project is being built by Brazilian multinational petrochemical company Unigel, with an initial investment of US$120 million.

Speaking at the groundbreaking ceremony, Brazil's Environment Minister Joaquim Leite said: "We are now faced with the challenge of developing a green economy that should bring beneficial solutions to the world's climate change. Brazil has the opportunity to provide the world with clean energy through this green hydrogen plant."

Green hydrogen, which refers to hydrogen produced from electricity generated from renewable sources such as solar and wind energy, is considered one of the most promising sources of clean energy. It can be used in gaseous form or converted into green ammonia, which is used in the steel industry, fertiliser production and oil refining.

Information source: Xinhua

【Industry】Europe launches green steel initiative Green hydrogen and green electricity have a huge gap

The European steel industry is currently on an ambitious decarbonisation path to reduce carbon emissions by 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels and to achieve 80% to 95% reductions by 2050 (compared to 1990).

European steel companies have started to set their own carbon neutral targets and have embarked on the development of green steel.

The most representative is SSAB (Swedish Steel Group), which has set the overall goal of "fossil fuel-free metallurgy by 2045 and fossil fuel-free steel products by 2026". The process aims to replace coking coal, which is traditionally used for steel production from ore, with hydrogen and renewable electricity.

At the same time, HYBRIT is exploring alternative methods of producing iron ore pellets for use in direct reduction iron plants. The process currently uses fossil fuels, but HYBRIT has experimented with bio-oil by-products from paper production and plans to test hydrogen-based heating to make pellets.

Information source: Global Zero Carbon