

Vision Fuel Cell Weekly丨Germany receives 13 tons of liquid hydrogen to ease energy crisis, Beijing, Guangdong, Jilin and Hubei release hydrogen energy related policies, Ministry of Transport issues document to promote research and development of hydroge

Oct 26, 2022

Vision Fuel Cell News, a bi-weekly fuel cell newspaper (launched every fortnight) jointly launched by Vision Battery and Battery Network (micro number: mybattery), aims to share more valuable information, bring more objective cognition and analysis to the industry, and give a different perspective and thinking to industrial manufacturing.

Vision Battery & Battery Network

October 26th, 2022

【Policy】Adopt 5 suggestions! 3,000 hydrogen vehicles! 10 hydrogen refueling stations! Beijing Daxing hydrogen energy industry development plan officially released

On October 24, the People's Government of Daxing District, Beijing officially issued the Action Plan for the Development of Hydrogen Energy Industry in Daxing District (2022-2025).

The official document states that by 2025, the number of hydrogen energy-related enterprises will exceed 200, 4-6 listed enterprises will be cultivated, 2-3 eco-leading enterprises will be incubated, the industrial scale of the hydrogen energy industry chain will reach a total of 20 billion yuan, and a demonstration area for the manufacture and application of high-end hydrogen energy equipment will be formed. The number of fuel cell vehicles to be promoted will be no less than 3,000, at least 10 hydrogen refuelling stations will be built, and the installed scale of distributed combined heat and power supply system will be promoted to reach 5 MW in total.

Information source: Beijing Municipal People's Government of Daxing District

【News】The new version of the national standard of Hydrogenation Machine was officially released and implemented

Recently, the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration and the State Standardization Administration officially approved the release of the national standard GB/T 31138-2022 "Hydrogenation Machine".

GB/T 31138-2022 "Hydrogen Refuelling Machine" stipulates the technical requirements, test methods, marking, packaging, transportation and storage, installation and maintenance requirements of hydrogen refuelling machines, which is applicable to hydrogen refuelling machines with a nominal working pressure of not more than 70MPa for hydrogen energy vehicle refuelling facilities, and hydrogen refuelling facilities of hydrogen energy ships, trams, aircraft, engineering vehicles and power generation units can also refer to this document.

Information source: China Academy of Standardization, Information and Environment Branch

【Policy】Allow the construction of hydrogen production and hydrogen refuelling stations in non-chemical parks! Management Measures for Hydrogen Refuelling Stations in Guangdong Province (Draft for Comments) Released

On October 25, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Housing and Construction released the Interim Measures for the Management of Hydrogen Refuelling Stations for Fuel Cell Vehicles in Guangdong Province (Draft for Public Comments).

Planning direction: All cities and towns should speed up the construction of hydrogen refuelling stations, with emphasis on supporting the construction of joint hydrogen refuelling stations and integrated hydrogen production and refuelling stations. Fueling (gas) stations and existing fueling (gas) stations located on highways, national highways, provincial highways and main urban roads with conditions for the construction of hydrogen refuelling facilities are regarded as having been included in the layout planning of hydrogen refuelling stations.

Planning of distribution: In principle, operational hydrogen refuelling stations are commercial sites. On the premise of conforming to the layout planning and safety conditions of hydrogen refuelling stations in provinces and municipalities, petrol (gas) stations are encouraged to use the existing land to change (expand) the construction of hydrogen refuelling facilities, and new petrol stations are encouraged to plan and build hydrogen refuelling facilities at the same time.

It is allowed to build hydrogen refuelling stations for self-use (limited to hydrogen refuelling for specific vehicles such as own vehicles and leased vehicles) in logistics parks, open-air car parks, port terminals, public transport stations and places where fuel cell vehicles are more concentrated in operation, under the premise of complying with the spatial planning of the land and meeting the requirements of safety norms, and without operating services to the outside world in accordance with the law.

Information source: Guangdong Provincial Department of Housing and Construction

【Industry】13 tons! Germany receives first batch of UAE liquid hydrogen

On 21 October, Germany held a ceremony to receive the first batch of hydrogen energy from the United Arab Emirates with a view to promoting the energy transition and alleviating the domestic energy crisis. German Deputy Chancellor and Minister of Economy and Climate Protection Robert Habeck and UAE Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology Sultan Jaber attended the receiving ceremony in Hamburg, Germany. It is reported that the hydrogen was delivered in liquid form, totalling 13 tonnes.

At this receiving ceremony, Habeck said, "Germany is working to establish a hydrogen energy production network at home, but imports are also key to increasing energy supply and now more than ever Germany needs to promote hydrogen energy."

Information source: CCTV News

【Policy】Yulin, Shaanxi Province: Strengthening the organic integration of energy chemicals and green hydrogen Promoting the recycling of a variety of by-product hydrogen

Recently, the Yulin Ecological Environment Bureau responded to Proposal No. 002 of the Fifth Session of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, pointing out that: strengthen the organic integration of energy-consuming industries such as energy chemicals with green electricity, green hydrogen, green oxygen, energy storage and heat storage to replace the consumption of raw material coal and fuel coal. Promote the recycling of a variety of by-product hydrogen, strengthen the coupling with coal chemical industry, and partially replace coal-based hydrogen sources.

Information source: Yulin Ecological Environment Bureau

【Policy】Anyang, Henan Province: Active guidance for vehicle enterprises to develop hydrogen fuel cell vehicles Forward-looking layout of hydrogen energy industry

Recently, the People's Government of Anyang City issued the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for the High-Quality Development of Manufacturing Industry in Anyang City".

One of the hydrogen aspects states that

Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Focus on promoting the use of industrial by-product hydrogen energy by coking enterprises, actively guiding vehicle enterprises to develop hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, introducing hydrogen fuel cell vehicle enterprises with international advanced level, fostering the development of high-reliability hydrogen fuel cell logistics vehicles, trucks, buses and other special vehicles and commercial vehicles, promoting the construction of hydrogen refueling infrastructure, and actively building a national hydrogen fuel cell vehicle demonstration application city.

Anyang County (demonstration zone) mainly develops new energy commercial vehicles, special vehicles, hydrogen energy vehicles and other industries; Longan District mainly develops pure electric sprinklers, pure electric vehicle road sweepers, road maintenance vehicles and other products; Linzhou City mainly develops new energy vehicle power batteries, lightweight auto parts, intelligent auto electronics and other auto parts; Neihuang County mainly develops laser cutting, motor manufacturing, whole vehicle power harnesses, controllers and other New energy electric vehicle accessories products.

Information source: Anyang Municipal People's Government

【Policy】11 hydrogen energy standards! The National Energy Administration (NEA) announced the plan for the development of industry standards in the energy sector in 2022

On October 21, the National Energy Administration (NEA) issued a notice on the plan for the development and revision of industry standards in the energy sector in 2022 and the translation plan for foreign language versions.

There are 11 standards in the field of hydrogen energy in the summary table of the 2022 industry standards development plan for the energy sector, including: engineering design specifications for hydrogen transmission pipelines, evaluation methods for the suitability of natural gas pipeline for hydrogen blending and transmission, mobile vacuum adiabatic liquid hydrogen pressure vessels, compressed hydrogen aluminum lined carbon fiber fully wound bottle containers, performance test methods for solid oxide fuel cell cogeneration systems, solid oxide fuel cell portable power generation system safety requirements, planning report preparation protocol for renewable energy power hydrogen production, hydrogen cooling generator hydrogen system operation and maintenance protocol, hydrogen storage plant hydrogen storage system operation protocol, performance test method for wide range regulation proton exchange membrane water electrolysis hydrogen production system, technical specification for wide range regulation proton exchange membrane water electrolysis hydrogen production system.

Information source: National Energy Administration

【Policy】Hubei: Vigorously develop renewable energy to produce hydrogen and promote the construction of hydrogen production and hydrogen refuelling pilot projects

Recently, the Department of Ecology and Environment of Hubei Province issued the "14th Five-Year Plan for Addressing Climate Change in Hubei Province", which mentions that.

Focus on collaborative energy-saving technology renovation and ultra-low emission renovation in the steel industry, deepen the evaluation of the whole life cycle of steel products, explore the application of hydrogen-rich metallurgy technology, and implement a number of green manufacturing demonstration projects in the electronics, food, textile and chemical industries. Accelerate the growth of new energy, new materials and new energy automobile industries, focusing on the development of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and intelligent networked vehicle industries, and promote the graphene research and development base to carry out national pilot low-carbon technology standards.

Actively expand the application of clean energy such as electricity, hydrogen and natural gas in the transportation sector, promote the electric replacement of urban public service vehicles, promote the use of LNG and CNG-fuelled vehicles, push forward the application of hydrogen fuel cells for heavy-duty vehicles, and accelerate the development of electric ships. Vigorously develop renewable energy for hydrogen production, and promote the construction of pilot projects for hydrogen production and hydrogen refuelling.

Information source: Hubei Department of Ecology and Environment

【Policy】Hydrogen production capacity of 60,000-80,000 tons/year! 500 hydrogen vehicles! 10 billion yuan! The medium and long-term development plan of "Hydrogen in Jilin" was released!

Recently, the People's Government of Jilin Province issued a notice on the issuance of the medium and long-term development plan (2021-2035) of "Hydrogen in Jilin", in which the development plan states that:

In the near future (2021-2025): gradually build up the hydrogen energy industry ecology, with the initial formation of the industrial layout, gradual improvement of the industrial chain and rapid growth of the industrial scale. 10 hydrogen refuelling stations will be built in 2025; the scale of operation of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles will reach 500; pilot demonstration of the application of hydrogen fuel cells in combined heat and power supply and backup power supply. Introduce or cultivate 3-4 hydrogen energy equipment manufacturing enterprises with independent intellectual property rights, fuel cell system and power stack production enterprises, among which, 1 leading enterprise, and promote the whole industry chain to "reduce costs". 2025 Hydrogen energy industry output value reaches 10 billion yuan.

Medium-term (2026-2030): renewable energy hydrogen production capacity will reach 300,000-400,000 tons/year, 70 hydrogen refuelling stations will be built, green ammonia, green methanol, green refining and hydrogen metallurgy production capacity will be built and renovated to reach 2 million tons, and the scale of hydrogen fuel cell vehicle operation will reach 7,000 units. Increase the application of hydrogen fuel cells in combined heat and power supply, backup power supply, emergency power supply, peaking and special vehicles. Introduce or cultivate 5 fuel cell reactor and component enterprises, and promote the autonomy of products in key links of the industry chain, of which 3-5 will be leading enterprises. The output value of the hydrogen energy industry will reach 30 billion yuan.

In the long term (2031-2035): the hydrogen production capacity of renewable energy will reach 1.2-1.5 million tons/year, 400 hydrogen refuelling stations will be built, the production capacity of green ammonia, green methanol, green refining and hydrogen metallurgy will reach 6 million tons, and the operation scale of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles will reach 70,000 units. The output value of hydrogen energy industry will reach 100 billion yuan.

Information source: Jilin Provincial People's Government

【Policy】 Ministry of Transport: Building domestic waterway tourism passenger transport boutique routes to promote hydrogen battery yacht technology research and development

Recently, the Ministry of Transport released the Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Transport on the Announcement of the Pilot Units and Pilot Content for Creating Domestic Waterway Tourism Passenger Routes, which mentions that.

In Shandong coastal sightseeing tour pilot route: Xiaoshi Island - Liu Gong Island - Jiming Island - Sea Donkey Island route, the name of the ship: "Shanhai One " and other aspects, the pilot content points out to enhance the level of safe and green development. Improve the production safety responsibility system, improve the safety management institutions, and promote the development of a line setting system to ensure the safety of the route. Vessels to strengthen the equipment equipped with radar, AIS, VHF and other navigational aids, transport life-saving emergency equipment. Promote the research and development of hydrogen energy battery yacht technology and create the first hydrogen energy ship samples.

Information source: Ministry of Transport