

Vision Fuel Cell Weekly丨Scotland and Singapore formed a hydrogen energy alliance; Vision Hydrogen Team was awarded the annual innovation brand in China's battery industry; Henan, Zhejiang and Beijing released hydrogen energy related policies

Mar 1, 2023

Fuel Cell Weekly, jointly launched by Vision Battery (public number: vision002733) and Battery Network (public number: mybattery). It aims to share more valuable information, bring more objective cognition and analysis to the industry, and give a different perspective and thinking to industrial manufacturing. We look forward to your attention, participation and support!


South Korea established a consultation group for hydrogen transportation supply and demand to coordinate all parties to establish a stable hydrogen supply and demand infrastructure

Recently, the Korean government and related agencies established the "Hydrogen Transportation Supply and Demand Consultation Group" to promote the establishment of a stable hydrogen supply and demand infrastructure for all parties involved in hydrogen transportation applications, including the construction of 91 new hydrogen refueling stations, increasing the number of hydrogen refueling stations in each transportation base, and the completion of three liquefaction plants and six hydrogen production bases this year.

Another new breakthrough in direct hydrogen production from seawater!

Recently, an international team led by Professor Shizhang Qiao and Associate Professor Yao Zheng from the School of Chemical Engineering at the University of Adelaide, Australia, successfully separated natural seawater to produce green hydrogen without any pretreatment. We use natural seawater as a feedstock without any pretreatment processes such as reverse osmosis membrane filtration, purification or alkalinization. The performance of our catalyst in a commercial electrolyzer operating in natural seawater is close to that of a platinum/iridium catalyst operating in high purity deionized water," explains Yao Zheng.

Scotland and Singapore form new "Hydrogen Energy Alliance"

Recently, Scotland and Singapore signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish hydrogen energy trade and innovation opportunities between the two countries. It is understood that the MoU was signed by Business Minister Ivan McKee on behalf of the Scottish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (SHFCA) and the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Association of Singapore (HFCAS).

EU proposes detailed rules to define green hydrogen standards

Recently, the European Union adopted two enabling acts required by the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) and proposed detailed rules to define what constitutes renewable hydrogen in the EU, emphasizing the need to connect electrolyzers only to additional renewable generation. The European Commission proposed three criteria to determine green hydrogen: first, hydrogen produced by direct connection to new renewable generators; second, hydrogen produced by using grid power in areas with more than 90% renewable energy; and third, hydrogen produced by using grid power in areas with low CO2 emission limits with renewable power purchase agreements.

Vision Hydrogen Team was awarded the annual innovation brand in China's battery industry

On February 28th, the Entrepreneur Summit of the Battery 100 Entrepreneurs "Ask" Linhai and 2023 China Sodium Battery Industry Ecosystem was held in Linhai, Zhejiang Province, organized by Linhai Municipal People's Government, Zhongguancun New Battery Technology Innovation Alliance and Battery 100.

In the award ceremony, Xiongtao Hydrogen Rui was evaluated as the annual innovation brand in China's battery industry. In the era of new energy, brand is an important engine to drive enterprises, and innovation brings inexhaustible power to the development of enterprises. Vision Hydrogen Team continues to make new breakthroughs in product innovation, interpreting the benchmark power of the industry's leading enterprises.


Henan: Strengthen the research and development of hydrogen energy application technology and cultivate the whole industry chain of hydrogen energy production, storage, transportation and use

On February 24, the Department of Ecology and Environment of Henan Province and other seven departments issued the notice of "Henan Province Pollution Reduction and Carbon Reduction Synergistic Efficiency Action Plan", which proposed to actively support the construction of new energy sources. Promote the development of hydrogen energy industry, strengthen the research and development of hydrogen energy application technology, and cultivate the whole industry chain of hydrogen energy production, storage, transportation and use. Develop biomass and geothermal energy according to local conditions, and promote the construction of four 10 million square meters of geothermal heating scale utilization demonstration areas in Zhengzhou, Kaifeng, Puyang and Zhoukou. Actively promote the construction of Shaanxi electricity into Yu, plan the layout of the fourth DC ultra-high voltage transmission channel, expand the channel of foreign gas into Yu, and expand the scale of oil import. Coordinate the layout of refueling, refueling, charging (exchange) power, hydrogen refueling and other facilities, and demonstrate the promotion of hydrogen, electricity, oil and gas integrated energy stations.

The National Energy Administration released 11 hydrogen storage standard plans

On February 22, the National Standardization Management Committee National Energy Administration issued the notice of "New Energy Storage Standard System Construction Guide", with a total of 205 new energy storage standards.

The document proposes to make and revise more than 100 key standards for new energy storage in 2023, accelerate the making and revision of design specifications, safety regulations, construction and acceptance and other standards for energy storage power plants, carry out pre-research on safety standards for energy storage power plants, emergency management, fire fighting and other standards, establish and improve the safety standard system as soon as possible, combine with the construction needs of new power systems, and initially form a new energy storage standard system, which can basically support the new energy storage Commercial development of the industry.

By 2025, in the electrochemical energy storage, compressed air energy storage, reversible fuel cell energy storage, supercapacitor energy storage, flywheel energy storage, superconducting energy storage and other fields to form a more complete series of standards; strengthen technical exchanges with domestic and international standardization organizations, and strive to break the bottleneck of industrial development, standardize and guide the high-quality development of the industry, to protect the safety of energy storage power plants; increase international standardization efforts, in-depth participation in the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) (IEC) international standardization work, to support the standard to go out. Gradually build a new energy storage standard system to adapt to technological innovation trends, meet the needs of industrial development, and benchmark with international advanced levels.

Up to 30 million yuan! Beijing's latest subsidies involve comprehensive demonstration projects for hydrogen energy utilization!

Recently, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology issued a notice on the public call for comments on the "Notice of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology Beijing Municipal Bureau of Finance on the Release of the "2023 Beijing High Precision Industry Development Funds Implementation Guide (First Batch)" (Draft for Comments)".

Reward data center greening transformation projects completed between 2022 and the filing deadline, with a construction period of no more than 3 years and fixed asset investment of no less than RMB 5 million, and implemented with the aim of promoting energy saving and carbon reduction, renewable energy utilization and arithmetic power enhancement. For data (arithmetic) centers whose PUE reaches the access value specified in the local standard "Data Center Energy Efficiency Limits" (DB11/T1139) after the transformation and is connected to the "Beijing Energy Saving Monitoring Service Platform", the incentive will be given at a rate not exceeding 25% of the total investment included in the scope of the incentive; projects involving waste heat recovery, liquid cooling, photovoltaic or hydrogen energy application, domestic artificial energy application, and the use of renewable energy will be rewarded. The construction part of projects involving waste heat recovery, liquid cooling, photovoltaic or hydrogen energy application, and localized artificial intelligence arithmetic will be rewarded at a rate not exceeding 30% of the total investment included in the scope of incentives.

Beijing annual financial 555 million to support the construction of national hydrogen fuel cell vehicle quality inspection and testing center

On February 23, Beijing Municipal Administration of Market Supervision released information on the fiscal budget for 2023.

The document points out that the Beijing Municipal Administration of Market Supervision's 2023 annual revenue budget is 1509,181,400 yuan, a decrease of 139,917,300 yuan or 8.48% from the 2022 beginning budget of 164,998,700 yuan. The main reason is that one-off projects in 2022 will not be arranged in 2023. 2023 expenditure budget 1509,181,400 yuan, compared with the 2022 beginning budget of 1649,098,700 yuan, a decrease of 139,917,300 yuan, or 8.48%. The main reason is to implement the requirement of strict diligence and frugality to compress general expenditure. Relevant media learned that the National Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Quality Inspection and Testing Center project is a key expenditure and major investment project, with a total investment of 611.6117 million yuan.

Implemented on April 1! Basic Requirements for the Safety of Hydrogen Systems" National Standard Released

Recently, the national standard GB/T 29729-2022 "Basic Requirements for Hydrogen System Safety" was officially issued, and the document applies to the design and use of hydrogen production, storage, transportation, and application systems.

The national standard "Basic Requirements for the Safety of Hydrogen Systems" is categorized by TC309 (National Technical Committee for Hydrogen Energy Standardization), and the competent authority is the National Standardization Administration Committee. The standard describes in detail the physical and thermophysical properties of hydrogen, combustion characteristics, etc., and includes renewable energy hydrogen production systems, liquid hydrogen and hydrogen slurry storage systems, and hydrogen delivery systems. The standard addresses the risk factors in hydrogen systems, classifying and introducing leaks and seepage, risk factors related to combustion, pressure and temperature, risk factors related to solid hydrogen storage, physiological hazards, etc. At the same time, the requirements related to risk control of hydrogen systems are specified in terms of basic principles, design risk control, hydrogen facility requirements, testing requirements, fire and explosion risk control, operational requirements, and emergencies. The annex specifies the block diagram of the core equipment of typical systems for various types of hydrogen production. The document will be implemented on April 1, 2023.

Zhejiang: Prioritize the development of future industries with good innovation base and fast growth, such as hydrogen energy

Zhejiang Province recently released the "Guidance on Fostering the Development of Future Industries" (the "Opinions").

The Opinions proposed that around the construction of the three science and innovation highlands, priority will be given to the development of hydrogen energy and other nine future industries with good innovation base and fast growth.

By 2025, a number of influential future technologies, innovative applications, head enterprises and leading talents will emerge, and a competitive future industry system will be formed. By 2035, the future industry has become an important driving force for economic development in Zhejiang Province, forming a number of globally competitive innovations, creating five groups of international public patent pools for the future industry, cultivating more than five globally influential future industry "chain master" enterprises, building more than five future industry clusters with a scale of more than 100 billion yuan, and Become the global future industry innovation development highland and high-quality enterprise gathering place.

According to the Opinions, in terms of hydrogen energy and energy storage industry, Zhejiang Province will break through the frontier technologies of ultra-high pressure or deep-cooled hydrogen energy storage and transportation, high-efficiency catalyst, hydrogen fuel cell, electrochemical energy storage, etc., develop efficient hydrogen production, storage and hydrogen products, accelerate the application in intelligent transportation, green chemical industry and other fields, and promote multi-energy complementation.