

Vision Hydrogen Weekly丨Four oil giants enter the hydrogen track in a big way, Chengdu, Zhengzhou, Shanghai and Henan release hydrogen energy policy plans

Jun 23, 2022

【Policy】Green hydrogen subsidy of 0.2 RMB/kWh to achieve 10,000 tons of green hydrogen capacity! Chengdu issues two more policies to support the development of hydrogen energy industry

On June 17, Chengdu Municipal People's Government issued the Action Plan for Optimizing the Energy Structure of Chengdu to Promote Green and Low-carbon Development of the City and the Notice on Policies and Measures for Optimizing the Energy Structure of Chengdu to Promote Green and Low-carbon Development of the City.

In terms of hydrogen energy, the relevant documents state that

1. Actively develop green hydrogen energy. Build a whole industrial chain of "production, storage, transmission and use", and accelerate the construction of the "green hydrogen capital". By 2025, the annual production capacity of green hydrogen will reach more than 10,000 tons, and we will support the pilot project of integrating hydrogen production and refuelling by electrolysis of water from renewable energy sources. Plan to build 40 hydrogen refuelling stations and accelerate the construction of a half-hour hydrogen refuelling network. Promote the large-scale application of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, expand the application of hydrogen energy in industrial and energy storage fields, and build a green "hydrogen corridor" in Chengdu and Chongqing.

2. Explore the multi-functional and integrated construction of 5G base stations, charging piles, hydrogen refuelling stations, data centres, distributed photovoltaic and energy storage. By 2025, more than 50 distributed comprehensive energy service projects will be put into operation.

3. Accelerate the layout and construction of charging (replacement) facilities. Accelerate the construction of integrated energy stations, support the implementation of integrated energy station renovation at existing gasoline and gas filling stations, and build additional charging and switching facilities and hydrogen refueling facilities; support the integrated planning and joint construction of gasoline, gas filling, hydrogen refueling and charging and switching facilities, with new stations being integrated energy stations in principle.

4. Support the development and use of renewable energy and hydrogen energy. Exit domestic waste landfills in an orderly manner, encourage domestic waste, straw and other biomass power generation, and give investment subsidies and operating subsidies. Support the pilot demonstration of distributed photovoltaic, and give subsidies of up to 3 million yuan according to the installed capacity and up to 10 million yuan according to the amount of electricity generated. Coordinate and promote the development of the whole chain of "production, storage, transmission and use", accelerate the construction of the "green hydrogen capital", and support green power hydrogen production projects at the municipal and district (city) county levels with electricity tariffs of RMB 0.15-0.2/kWh, encourage the demonstration of the application of hydrogen energy in multiple fields, and provide subsidies of up to RMB 15 million for the construction and operation of hydrogen refuelling stations. Construction and operation of hydrogen refuelling stations, with a maximum subsidy of 15 million RMB.

Information source: Chengdu Municipal People's Government
【Industry】Vision Group's scientific research projects were approved by Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Department's 2022 annual key R&D plan projects in high-tech fields

On June 21, Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Department released the notice of "Public Announcement of the Proposed Projects of the Provincial Science and Technology Department on the 2022 Annual Key R&D Program in High-tech Fields". Wuhan Xiongtao Hydrogen Xiong declared "Development of intelligent high frequency silicon carbide controller for hydrogen fuel cell engine based on harmonic suppression technology" passed the expert selection and project defense process, and was approved for the project.

The goal of this project is to achieve the fusion design of multiple electronic control and power electronic components in the fuel cell engine system to form an integrated intelligent controller for high-power fuel cell engine applications; after completing the functional verification in the laboratory, the application verification from small batch to mass production will be realized in vehicles to form a mature integrated controller product.

Information source:HydraV Fuel Cell Co., Ltd.

【Policy】1:1:1 subsidy for hydrogen vehicles and 10% subsidy for industry chain investment! Zhengzhou Municipality Supports Fuel Cell Vehicle Demonstration and Application Policies (Draft for Comments)

Recently, the Zhengzhou Bureau of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Several Policies for Supporting the Demonstration and Application of Fuel Cell Vehicles in Zhengzhou City (Draft for Comments)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Draft for Comments").

The Draft Opinion intends to give subsidies in six major directions, namely supporting the research and development of the industry chain, strengthening the investment and attraction of the industry chain, supporting the demonstration and application of vehicle products, guiding the reduction of hydrogen refuelling costs, strengthening the construction of hydrogen refuelling stations and increasing financial support, details of which are shown below.

1. Support the R&D of new fuel cell vehicle products for vehicle manufacturers in the city. For a single new model newly listed in the Recommended Model Catalogue for the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, a reward of 1 million yuan will be given to each model, and the annual reward for a single enterprise will not exceed 10 million yuan.

2. Encourage the research and development of key components and their transformation. Support the technical research and development, product innovation and industrial application of key core components and basic materials such as fuel cell electric reactors, air compressors, hydrogen circulation systems, bipolar plates, membrane electrodes, proton exchange membranes, catalysts, carbon paper and core equipment for hydrogen refuelling stations. For those enterprises that are listed in the key parts catalogue of the model city group or have gained additional points in the national model city group assessment of "key parts R&D and industrialization" for Henan, they will be rewarded 30,000 yuan for every one point in principle, and the total amount of reward for similar products for a single enterprise will not exceed 5 million yuan.

3. Reward for vehicle research and development. For fuel cell vehicles listed in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's Recommended Model Catalogue for the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles, a subsidy of 5% of sales revenue will be given to R&D. The annual subsidy for a single enterprise will not exceed RMB 20 million.

4. Accelerate the construction of public service platforms for research and development. A subsidy of no less than 25 million yuan will be given to the newly approved state key laboratories for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and related industries for five years; a one-time subsidy of 5 million yuan will be given to major science and technology innovation platforms such as national technology innovation centres and national engineering research centres; a one-time subsidy of 1 million yuan will be given to provincial R&D platforms.

5. Strengthen project construction. For the newly registered and invested hydrogen and fuel cell vehicle industry chain production enterprises in Zhengzhou City, with fixed asset investment of 100 million yuan or more, an incentive of 1 million yuan will be given for every 10 million yuan increase in fixed asset investment, with the incentive amount not exceeding 20 million yuan.

6. During the demonstration and application period, fuel cell vehicles developed and produced in Zhengzhou and registered will be matched by the provincial and municipal governments in accordance with the 1:1:1 ratio of the central financial incentive funds.

7. To encourage the operation of hydrogen-fuelled vehicles, during the demonstration and application period, the municipal government will provide an operating incentive for fuel cell vehicles (not purchased with financial contributions) whose cumulative mileage with hydrogen exceeds 10,000 kilometres in each assessment year, with the incentive not exceeding 0.5 million yuan per vehicle per year for trucks with a total design mass of less than 12 tons (inclusive), and not exceeding 10,000 yuan per vehicle per year for trucks with a total design mass of 12 tons-31 tons (inclusive). The incentive shall not exceed 10,000 yuan per year for trucks with a total design mass of 12 tons to 31 tons (inclusive), 20,000 yuan per year for heavy trucks with a total design mass of more than 31 tons, 0.5 million yuan per year for buses with a body length of less than 10 meters (inclusive), 10,000 yuan per year for buses with a body length of more than 10 meters, and 0.5 million yuan per year for passenger cars.

Information source: Zhengzhou Bureau of Industry and Information Technology

【Dynamic】《Zhengzhou City Automobile Hydrogen Refilling Station Management Measures (Draft for Public Opinion)》released

On June 14, the Zhengzhou City Administration released the "Zhengzhou City Automobile Hydrogen Refueling Station Management Measures (Draft for Public Opinion)" again.

Information source: Zhengzhou City Administration

【Policy】 Hydrogen transportation subsidy of RMB 1.5/KG, hydrogen refueling station subsidy of up to 10 million! Chengdu issued the "Notice on the Declaration of 2022 Projects for High-Quality Development of Hydrogen Energy Industry

On June 16, Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Economic and Information Technology released the Notice on Organizing the Declaration Work of 2022 Projects for High-Quality Development of Hydrogen Energy Industry in Chengdu (hereinafter referred to as "the Notice").

The Notice points out that, according to the division of responsibilities and the implementation progress of this year's funds, the declaration includes: reducing the cost of hydrogen storage enterprises, reducing the cost of hydrogen transportation, supporting the construction of hydrogen refueling stations, subsidizing the operation of hydrogen refueling stations, expanding the application scale of key components of the industrial chain, broadening the demonstration application scenarios of hydrogen energy, supporting the opening of cross-city hydrogen fuel transportation demonstration lines, encouraging high-quality enterprises and institutions to settle in the city, making efforts to improve the level of the industrial chain The project includes 15 types of projects, including supporting the construction of hydrogen energy testing and certification institutions, supporting the improvement of the localization rate, supporting the technological transformation of non-hydrogen energy enterprises, encouraging the acquisition of hydrogen energy enterprises outside the city, subsidizing the operation of hydrogen energy industrial parks, and supporting the development of hydrogen energy group standards. The reporting cycle of this period is from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021.

Information source: Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Economic and Information Technology

【Industry】Total investment of tens of billions of dollars! The four oil giants are entering the hydrogen track with big bucks

Recently, four global oil giants have coincidentally entered the hydrogen energy track, and the initial confirmed investment in hydrogen energy has reached tens of billions of dollars.

Saudi Arabia - Saudi Aramco enters renewable energy and develops blue hydrogen

Saudi Arabian oil giant Saudi Aramco, which is targeting 12GW of wind and solar energy and 2 million tonnes of blue hydrogen capacity, has included renewable energy and hydrogen targets as part of its first sustainability report. Saudi Aramco has set a target of 12GW of installed solar and wind capacity by 2035 and has decided to produce 11 million tonnes of blue ammonia by 2030, which will require 1.93 million tonnes of natural gas associated with carbon capture and storage (CCS). Saudi Aramco has explicitly supported a range of large renewable energy projects such as the 1.5GW Sudair Solar project, but has not detailed specific wind and solar development targets, nor has the bluefin development plan been provided in detail.

USA - Chevron invests US$2.5 billion into hydrogen energy

On 17 June, the vice president of the hydrogen division of US oil giant Chevron New Energy told the Financial Times' Hydrogen Energy Summit in London that the company will invest in building its hydrogen business. Chevron will invest $2.5 billion in green and blue hydrogen by 2028. The company hopes to be part of the global growth in clean hydrogen energy, but the company has done very little so far.

Australia - bp acquires major de-hydrogen centre project

Oil giant bp has announced the acquisition of the largest stake in Australia's $36 billion green hydrogen mega-project, the Asian Renewable Energy Hub (AREH). bp has agreed to buy a 40.5% stake in the project, making it the largest shareholder in the world's most ambitious green hydrogen project - the -The $36 billion AREH, which is confirmed to be powered by 26GW of wind and solar energy, is located in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, covering 6,500 square kilometres, and is planned to produce up to 1.6 million tonnes of hydrogen per year and 9 million tonnes of green ammonia for Australian and export markets.

India - Total acquires stake in Adani to invest tens of billions of dollars in green hydrogen

Total's acquisition of a stake in Adani will see the two companies invest $50 billion to build "the world's largest green hydrogen ecosystem" in India. Total Energy TotalEnergies has announced the acquisition of a 25% stake in Adani New Industries India (ANIL), part of AEL (Adani Enterprises Limited). The exclusive platform for the new company, which plans to invest more than US$50 billion in green hydrogen over 10 years for large-scale renewable energy production in India, to achieve one million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) of green hydrogen by 2030.

Information source: Polaris Hydrogen Energy

【News】Vision Group joins hands with Shenzhen Energy Group to promote the development of hydrogen energy

In the afternoon of June 14, Xu Tongbiao, advisor of Shenzhen Energy Group, visited Vision Group's Dapeng base to visit the hydrogen fuel cell production line and discuss the development of hydrogen energy.

During the discussion and exchange, Zhang Huannong, Chairman of Xiongtao, introduced the global layout of Vision hydrogen energy, the cardinal layout of key links in the hydrogen energy industry chain such as hydrogen production, membrane electrode, fuel cell stack and system, and complete vehicle operation. He said that Shenzhen Energy Group is a high-tech industry integrating the development, production and investment of various conventional and new energy sources, and is also an excellent enterprise in Guangdong Province. We hope that the two sides will continue to deepen exchanges and interactions and jointly promote the development and upgrading of the hydrogen energy industry.

Mr. Xu Tongbiao, advisor of Shenzhen Energy Group, introduced the development history of Shenzhen Energy Group and its "four cores and two drives" industrial development layout under the background of "30.60" double carbon. He said that Shenzhen Energy is committed to building a comprehensive energy system with new quality and new industry, and is closely following the development of hydrogen energy and other emerging industries. As an expert in the field of energy, Vision Group hopes to discuss the cooperation in industrial synergy development and hydrogen production and hydrogen refueling projects, and actively promote the synergy development of hydrogen energy and other emerging industries.

Information source: Shenzhen Senergy Fuel Cell Technology Co., Ltd.

【Industry】 10,000 hydrogen vehicles! 70 hydrogen refuelling stations! 8 world-class demonstration scenarios! Medium and long-term plan for the development of hydrogen energy industry in Shanghai (2022-2035)

On June 20, eight departments, including Shanghai Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Science and Technology Commission, and Economic and Information Commission, jointly issued the "Medium and Long-term Plan for the Development of Hydrogen Energy Industry in Shanghai (2022-2035)", which states that: by 2025, about 70 hydrogen refueling stations of various types will be built, 5-10 unicorn enterprises with international influence will be cultivated, 3-5 international first-class The number of fuel cell vehicles will exceed 10,000, the industrial scale of the hydrogen energy industry chain will exceed 100 billion yuan, and CO2 emissions will be reduced by 50,000-100,000 tons/year in the transportation sector. Create 8 world-class demonstration scenarios, namely: International Hydrogen Energy Demonstration Airport, International Hydrogen Energy Demonstration Port, International Hydrogen Energy Demonstration River and Lake, World Class Hydrogen Energy Industrial Park, Deep Offshore Wind Power Hydrogen Production Demonstration Base, Zero Carbon Hydrogen Energy Demonstration Community, Low Carbon Hydrogen Energy Industry Island and Zero Carbon Hydrogen Energy Ecological Island.

Information source: Shanghai Development and Reform Commission

【Dynamic】Shangqiu, Henan Province: Promoting more than 200 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles by 2025

On June 21, the Development and Reform Commission of Shangqiu City, Henan Province, released the "Shangqiu City "14th Five-Year Plan" for Modern Energy System and Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutral Planning (Draft for Comments)", in which hydrogen energy is stated as follows

Accelerate the construction of hydrogen fuel supply capacity. Increase the research and development of hydrogen energy preparation, storage and transportation technologies, and improve the level of purification of industrial hydrogen by-products from coal and chemical enterprises in Yongcheng. Set up the demonstration effect of hydrogen production from electrolytic water of renewable energy, actively carry out the hydrogen production project of 7.5 million square meters of wind energy and other clean energy in Ningling County, and promote the scale development of hydrogen energy production. Encourage the study of technologies such as high-pressure hydrogen storage tanks and vehicle-mounted hydrogen supply systems to expand the hydrogen transmission capacity of gas hydrogen and liquid hydrogen and reduce the cost of energy use. Combine with the renovation of gasoline and refuelling stations along national and provincial trunk roads in the city, accelerate the construction of hydrogen storage infrastructure and hydrogen refuelling stations, and enhance the supply capacity of hydrogen energy to meet the demand for large-scale operation of new energy vehicles and heavy commercial vehicles. Actively explore the technology of hydrogen production by integrating comprehensive energy sources such as thermal power, biomass, wind power and photovoltaic power generation, and synthesize green fuels and chemicals such as methane and methanol by combining the carbon dioxide captured by power generating units.

Source: Development and Reform Commission of Shangqiu City, Henan Province