
Vision won the "Excellent Supplier of China Battery Industry 2020"

Nov 6, 2020

On October 27th, the 10th (2020) China Battery Industry Annual Person & Enterprisze of the Year awards ceremony was held concurrently with the 8th (Changsha Ningxiang) Battery New Energy Industry International Summit Forum (ABEC 2020, Battery "Davos")。At the award ceremony, Vision won the"Outstanding Supplier of China Battery Industry 2020".

This event is hosted by Battery Network, Xevcar, and Inewenergy, aiming to use industry benchmarks enterprises to lead the new energy industry to a healthy and upward trend. The excellent supplier selection is mainly evaluated from multiple dimensions such as product and technology strength, brand influence, supply chain evaluation, industry and community reputation, adding healthy and sustainable management capabilities selection criteria, to spread upward power and practice sustainable development . Vision Group has become an industry leader with its strong technical strength, outstanding brand influence and sustainable development concept.

Shenzhen Center Power Technology Co., Ltd. (abbreviation: Vision Group, stock code: 002733) was founded in 1994, centered on the "diversified" development of the main battery business, has 6 domestic and foreign R&D and production bases, and has an annual lead-acid production capacity of 600 Million KWH, and lithium business has a complete R&D system from battery cells to systems, and its subsidiary Vision HydraV has grown into the only company in China with a complete industrial chain of domestically produced hydrogen fuel cells, and its business covers more than 100 countries and regions.

Vision Group takes hydrogen fuel cell as one of the important strategic development directions. Currently, it has 4 standard experiment and testing centers, 6 direct industrial chain cooperative enterprises, 5 cooperative industry research institutions, 22 fuel cell vehicle announcements, Participated in the development and announcement of more than 10 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. At present, Vision Group's investment and construction in the field of hydrogen fuel cells have achieved initial results. This year, it has successively signed fuel cell system orders from Chengdu Dayun and Xiamen Jinlong.

The epidemic this year has changed the world. Great companies were born and developed during the crisis. The more we are in the vortex of the times, the more we need industry benchmarks to lead the industry in a healthy way; Vision Group will continue to overcome obstacles and lead the industry forward.